Dear Friends,

I whole heartedly apologize to anyone I have ignored, been rude to, or not spent time with.

To say I’ve been struggling with friendships is an understatement. Many people know that I lost/misplaced/cut out a lot of friends these past two years. There were many reasons for what I did and after having my trust and hope for future friendships ruined, I’ve decided to stop letting that hold me back. You won’t gain any reward without a little risk, I want to step out from behind my fear-filled wall and work on fixing broken friendships, building new friendships, and strengthening my existing ones.

If you’re on board, let me know. Social media me, text me, email me, call me. Because if you can read this, then know that I love you and this applies to you.

So please, help me break down this stupid wall that I built and let’s be friends.

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